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Overland Trail Elementary
Overland Trail Elementary utilizes the Full Service Building concept which provides all students the opportunity to receive a well –rounded, quality education that includes all services within the school. Using this approach, teachers, specialists and staff can help meet the unique learning needs of each student. This team concept allows for the maximum use of time, talents and capabilities of all school personnel.

The total school curricular program is planned around the classroom teacher as the basic mode of instruction. Supporting the teacher are various specialists, whose remedial and enrichment services help meet our goals and objectives.

It is also the responsibility of the school staff to provide an appropriate educational experience for every child in the “least restrictive environment”. This means that it is the duty of the staff to offer equal learning opportunities for all children who attend Overland Trail Elementary.

Overland Trail Middle School was cited in the November 1989 issue of American School and University. It is the first middle school built in Blue Valley School District which incorporates the concept of team teaching into its design. Described as a “school within a school,” the building has three separate wings which include classrooms, lockers and activity areas for two teams of students at each grade level. This separation allows for movement and activity within a team’s structure without disturbing the rest of the students.

Call or email Sahran Shaoul for current or future listings in Deer Creek.